Book Review 2-11 The Princess and the Pea

There was the prince. The prince’s name is Patrick. Patrick wanted to marry. Patrick arranged, too, but didn’t find good princess. Patrick wanted to meet “real princess”. The king and queen were hands up.
The next day, Patrick decided that trip for search the real princess with Fred. Fred is his cousin. Patrick loaded 12 suitcases, 10 shoes and a spare crown in carriage. Patrick left at castle.
Patrick found the girl when they advanced. The girl name is Peg. Peg submerged it, because wanted to see the world. Fred said that come back her home, but Peg did a flat denial. They argued. Patrick was good that go with her. They went the witch’s place with her.
The witch was green and big eyes. It was horrible. Patrick asked that how to find the real princess. The witch said that there were real princess’s 3 points. First, it is politeness to one and all. Second, it is kindness to rich and poor. Third, it is very sensitive skin. Then the witch gave Patrick princess map. They decided that follow this map.
The first princess was Prunella. Prunella was strong, but selfishness and didn’t kind to Peg. She was doffer.
The second princess was Pavlova. Patrick decided to disguise, because wanted to research Pavlova’s kind. Patrick first tried by Peg. Peg couldn’t notice. So Patrick practiced it. Pavlova didn’t kuind, too.
Patrick gave up after all. They came back Patrick’s country. Peg returned the kitchen, and Patrick and Fred returned the castle. They returned the part each other.
Princess Primrose came to the castle. Primrose was drenched with rain and shook. Primrose was politeness, kindness and go to bed at 0:00. Patrick thought that Primrose is the real princess, but Primrose left.
Peg tired in those days. Peg should clean Princess’s room, but too tire to and slept. Peg waked up, threw down ladder. Peg cried “Help me”. Patrick ran to her help. Patrick noticed that Peg is the real princess. Patrick went to help and proposed Peg. They lived to happy.
I think that there is happiness near. Patrick can notice and become happy. It is good. (358 words)

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