

I went to Fukuoka by high speed bus after part-time job. My best friend lives in Fukuoka. This time, I went for go to EXILE LIIVE. I like EXILE very much, but my best friend and her mother like than me. I and my friend like ATSUSHI. Her mother and her mother’s friend like TAKAHIRO and her mother and her mother’s friend went for 2 days. Her mother has taken my share. Moreover this thicket was arena's seat. I was happy!!! I can't thank her mother enough.I had finished part-time job at 14:00 earlier than usually. Then I came back my home for get ready. I took a freeway. I arrived at 19:30 maybe 30 minutes behind schedule. I joined my best friend, and we ate dinner. I ate organic pasta. It wills well of health, won't it? We early went to bed for tomorrow.I will enjoy very much tomorrow. (154 words)

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